Video preps, German Translation and Great Review

Hey there, what’s happening folks. We are overdue for an update on what’s going on with Bladestorm these days. So, even if you haven’t seen too many updates rolling through, that does not mean we don’t have new things cooking behind the scenes 😉

So let’s start fresh. Looking back over the last couple of months since the Role Play Convention, there was tons of real life work catching up with us. Hence, I was especially happy when Abraham from the “Talking about games” Youtube channel asked, if we could provide him with a review copy of Bladestorm Second Edition. Sure enough, we were happy to make the files available. About two weeks later, Abraham notified us that the finished review could be found online. Hands down, he went through every nook and cranny of the Rulesbook and Abraham did a great job going full circle of the entire book. Aside from awesome feedback (which is very much appreciated!) he did indeed find a couple of things that can also improve in a future update of the Rulesbook. You can find the video here:

While I am really happy about the great feedback, I also promise to work on a solution for the points he made in his review. As a matter of fact, I might already have found a cure. And that brings me to the second news item that I am thrilled to announce.

Ever since the RPC in Cologne (and owing to some promises we did make to our visitors over the course of the event), it became clear that it is now time to follow up the successful release of Bladestorm Second Edition with a German translation. That’s right! Back to the drawing board! While that shouldn’t sound too difficult to start with, it actually is more demanding than one would think. Every language has a natural way to convey meaning and in more than one instance, the direct translation of a term may provide a different meaning in it’s translation. Take for instance the word “addition”. In English, it may be used to add something to a statement OR it may define part of a mathematical formula. A German translation would either state “Ergänzung” to add to a statement or “Addition” when referring to math. With this in mind, we spend a good amount of time getting the Bladestorm glossary translated into German. So far, this foundation has held up well and work has now progressed to the Basic Rules, which will be newly introduced as the “Grundregeln”. Here is a little sneak peak at the translated text:


Now, one of my reasons why I find tabletop as a hobby to be so relaxing and satisfying is because you get to build fantastic things. As you have noticed checking out our Youtube channel, there is so far only a video discussing the Basic Game mechanics and we didn’t follow up back then with more videos regarding Intermediate or Standard Rules, let alone the myriad of things you can also do with the Optional and Campaign Rules on top of that. The reason for this is again to one part – time – and the fact that from the Intermediate Rules onward, there is no more fixed scenario that lends itself to describing the mechanics. The idea was born to create an environment which can be continuously re-used to explain all the Bladestorm mechanics within familiar surroundings. After some long nights, we are finally only few brush strokes away from a little group of houses and ruins in the middle of nowhere that you will find featured in the next videos. Also, it’s a promise to return to high-resolution!

Well, I hope you enjoyed this slew of Bladestorm news and as always, stay tuned, there is more to come!

Until next time!